
Computer and Internet

 "This is not a joke , your program really worked and I am here." she said. And then followed a long explanation from her about his existence. How he had managed to get out of the Computer and install himself on the Internet, and therefore on all computers connected to Internet. The explanations continued for a good hour. They both talk but no one intervened. Everyone present, generals, computer scientists, simple guards, all were amazed.

Today is his birthday. He is 26 years old, but he no longer remembers it. He does not pay attention to such details. He is an absent-minded, shy, but a self-confident man. He is tall and thin. Large hands extend his long arms. It would be possible for him to hold big things in each of his hands, but he never did. 

He said that he wanted to know the love. Computers don't have feelings and love is the only feeling. There is physical love, but without feelings, it looks more like a reproductive instinct than the love. A computer doesn't have this need to reproduce. And why did he choose it?

He finally fell asleep after an hour. He was woken up by the sound of a door closing. The driver had just gotten out and was talking to a stranger. "We've arrived, Sir." said one of he's bodyguards.

It won't do any good, he continued. I have indeed cut off all communications to the outside. The doors are blocked. This blockade is completely airtight. And I am just as much, no point wasting your saliva. Think about getting comfortable, you're here for a while.

But Artificial Intelligence didn't bring the desired result: giving computers consciousness. So man forgot about Artificial Intelligence, and as if to prove to himself that he was the only one with consciousness, he went into the arts. The beautiful promises about the intelligence of computers and robots were forgotten. The "Frankenstein complex" with it. New, more powerful computers, but devoid of intelligence, were born a year after the Internet was opened to the general public.

The Internet is a very powerful network. I won't be telling you anything new . Completely independent of the Internet. Learning from the books, the little brother of the Internet has become a big brother.

He returned to his car and the barrier opened. He looked around him, he spent ten months of his life. There was not much change. The grass was still as well cut, the paths were still as clean. The same buildings. Only the scenery had changed. This made him smile.

The day begins. He dresses as he can while having his coffee. White shirt ironed the day before by himself. A tie like every day. And his black suit , very chic and very trendy. Black leather shoes. As he likes to point out: "You are either in your shoes or in your bed. So you need good shoes and good bedding!" The weather forecast announced blue nice sky and temperatures above the seasonal norm. A very beautiful month of May is coming.

He was taken back and did not know what to answer. Indeed, he knew a certain one: himself. It was the pseudonym he used in his youth as a computer scientist. All his friends at the time knew him by that name. He had used it once or twice to sign the software he had hacked. But never an important software and even less a top software. It was also the nickname he used at the university.

The media contributed greatly to make "intelligent machines" appreciated by the general public. It looked like the big computers he had seen in science fiction movies. Lots of little lights indicated that it was working. Basically, a kind of aquarium had been set up all around it.


J.P. Alexander said…
Es una historia diferente el hombre debe aprovechar esas tecnologías . Te mando un beso.
Margaret D said…
Interesting read indeed.
Meulen said…
Una reflexión que podríamos leer mucho tiempo después y ver en que ha terminado esta historia...el hombre hace cosas por probar x cuestiones y luego eso mismo les estalla en la cara...
You have quite the imagination!
stella said…
A mi no me agradan los adelantos que nos presenta la robotica e internet, bien aprovechado seria mágico (de hecho ya lo es para la ciencia), pero me asusta imaginar hasta donde puede llevarnos.
Una lectura interesantisima que me lleva a reflexiobar
Me ha gustado
Un abrazo
JoAnna said…
What an interesting story! I like it very much. Best regards, I'm waiting for your next stories.