

I escape towards this traced horizon

contemplating this enlightened 

countryside in front of me

I walk in complete freedom 

in this space with generosity

forgetting behind me the daily worries.

Alone with this the light 

I breathe the fragrant air

I think of this peaceful moment

alone out of  pity

ode to nature constantly renewed

after spring nature reborn with beauty.

The breeze carries me like blown leaves

 searching for joy in festivity

among birds whistling with mirth

on ancient trees with slender branches.

The sky is dotted with clouds 

dressed in their Sunday best

the wind caresses my hair

it is pleasant to look 

at fields with colorful wildflowers.

It's time to return after this hike

leaving behind the cherished moments

I will come back every sunny Sunday

in this enriching place to dream of.


I like your poems very much! Thank you!
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot Irina for liking my poems, I really do appreciate.
J.P. Alexander said…
Profundo poema. Hay tantas cosas de nuestro día. Y hay que apreciar las cosas simples. Te mando un beso.
ellie said…
So wonderful to read your poetry this morning. Very soulful ❤️
Ivy's Closet said…
You have a way of going solo and yet you bring us with you at every note. All the best to your wonderful writing. 🍂💛😊🎃💛🍂
Caitlin'nMegan said…
So lovely. Great words on the journey. Thanks so much! I really enjoy your poetry!💕❣️❤️❣️💕
Cela D said…
Blogger nie pozwala mi Cię obserwować. Wiersz piękny. :))
Drinking in and savoring the beauty of God's creation always calms my soul. Beautiful!
snobe casamang said…
Thanks judit for your nice comment, I also appreciate simple things.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks ellie, have a nice day.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot for your nice comment and appreciation, I really liked so much.
snobe casamang said…
You're welcome, thanks a lot for your beautiful words.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot for commenting my poems.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks for your beautiful comment dear martha jane, I really liked so much.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot ananka for nice comment.

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