
Holiday romance


It was the end of summer, in a seaside resort on the atlantic coast, it must have been a holiday romance. He was very elegant, down to his fingertips and she wore a red scarf, a white shirt and cream colored pants. He was on the terrace of a small café with a friend. She pretended to stop for postcards and feigned hesitation to lightly brush past him several times. A few polite and courteous stammers were followed by long missives full of promises, kept and fulfilled. After her studies, she joined him in his country. Then they returned to her province. They were both enjoying relationship and they still often talk about that summer first meeting.

And yet, when he got out of his car and came towards her, I'll let you guess the rest. They were young and they fell in love at first sight! Pure happiness.

As it was very cold, they went for tea. They got on quite well, they went out together several times and fell madly in love. I asked if she was surprised by him, she replied:

"Our eyes met with a slight smile at the casino, I saw him sitting alone at the back of the room, when someone called out to him and asked him if he wanted to dance".

"The next dance, he came to get me, we danced and talked about everything and nothing. At the end of the dance, everyone went back to their place. After a while, another slow dance and a lout sitting there came to get me. Instinctively my gaze turned to him. I called him. We danced all the evening, after a while, he apologized telling me that he had a football and pizza night with friends, but he asked me if I would be there the following Saturday. I said yes. We met up, we talked a lot. He wanted to know where I worked. At the time, I was there where he came to find me. Things happened very quickly. I can call it love at first sight".

"It will be some years since we met, he was in front of me. He offered to share his time with me, which I accepted. We saw each other several times, just by greeting each other, and one day, he asked me if I would like to have a coffee after a swimming pool. I said yes, and then I understood that he would be the person with whom I would live my life. He is a very endearing person and of limitless generosity, little words before leaving for work, small gifts without much value but it is the gesture that touches me. In a word, he is my darling whom I adore" .


citu said…
Dulce relato. me gusto mucho. Te mando un beso.
ellie said…
Oh, a wonderful whirlwind for sure! Awesome prose! Thanks so much!
Caitlin&Megan said…
Beautifully done! It made me smile. Thanks for this. A wonderful dance of passion.
Ivy's Closet said…
So endearing! Yes, I love that phrase "Everything and Nothing". ❤️❤️❤️❤️🍒
snobe casamang said…
Muchas gracias judit por gustar, te mando besos.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks ellie, thanks a lot for reading and liking.
snobe casamang said…
Why it made you smile? Have you experienced such situation?
snobe casamang said…
"Everything and Nothing" this phrase means "All" in the poem for sure.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot for liking martha jane, I really appreciate.
Un brano intenso, e molto coinvolgente, che ho gradito per le immagini preziose che trasmette a chi legge.
Buona settimana
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot silvia for reading and liking my humble words, I'm always happy to receive your comment, wish you a nice weekend.

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