


If you haven't lost 

that tender voice

that attracted my soul 

in the path of lightning

that flowed limpidly 

with clear streams.

Your voice that 

I would so like to hear 

it removes my pain 

and helps my days

it is the hope

in other times dreamed of.

Your voice opens a life 

where we will always live

a breath, a sonic flame

that knows how to respond 

to the tears in my eyes.

So bring me closer to you

that I can hear you talking 

because your voice opens a life 

where you and I will forever live.


snobe casamang said…
Thanks ananka, happy sunday.
Bill said…
Beautifully written words.
Lovely words, I enjoyed this very much.

All the best Jan
Bellissime immagini poetiche in questa lirica gradita e molto apprezzata.
Un caro saluto
Jaime Portela said…
Excellent poem.
Your words reveals the poetic talent you have.
Have a good week.
ellie said…
Wonderful! You are so talented!
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot Bill for nice words.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks jan for your nice comment and encouragement.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks silvia for beautiful comment , I really appreciate.
snobe casamang said…
Oh that's very kind from your my dear friend jaime, you put me in another level, have a nice weekend , hugs.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot ellie for always reading and liking my poetry, I really appreciate.
snobe casamang said…
You're welcome caitlinandmegan, I'm really so happy for sharing with you.
JoAnna said…
Wonderful words, dear friend.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks my dear for your beautiful words.

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