

Our home, 

it's on the road 

like a folk musician 

wearing old shoes.

When we are together, 

in an apartment in a city, 

or in a house at the countryside, 

under a tree in a garden, 

or on a ship without sails, 

these are all places 

where we live, 

places we call our home.

Whether a young boy, 

or a little girl, 

a touring musician, 

a carrier pigeon flying 

from beach to beach, 

accompanying an amazed reader.


Citu said…
Profundo poema. Yo creo que nuestro hogar esta en el corazón. Te mando un beso.
snobe casamang said…
Yes, an emotional space of belonging, love and safety, often found in relationships and precious memories rather than a physical place, lies within us.
Nuestro hogar está donde ponemos el corazón, sin importar donde estemos.
Un poema muy original.
Gracias por la visita al blog, le deseo que tenga una hermosa travesía en este espacio poético que ha creado, éxitos.
ellie said…
So lovely! Yes, Home Sweet Home. Where ever we go!
Ivy's Closet said…
A great positive energy in this one. Thank you so much. You have a way of finding the positive. Wonderful to read this endearing poem!
Caitlin&Megan said…
Wonderful to read your poem! I enjoyed this one so much! All the best to your poetry!
JoAnna said…
Home - a wonderful approach to the theme in your poem. Thank you and best regards, have a nice weekend.
Meulen said…
Siempre es relevante tener limpia nuestra casa y llenarla de las cosas bellas de la creación.
Whenever we love another, we can feel at home in our hearts. Beautiful!
Ananka said…
Well written. :-D
snobe casamang said…
Muchas gracias amiga por tu lindo comentario.
snobe casamang said…
Sure, thanks irina for your nice comment.
snobe casamang said…
Wherever we go, that's true, thanks ellie.
snobe casamang said…
I'm very pleased to read your nice comment my dear.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot my dear for your support and for liking my poetry.
snobe casamang said…
Thank you very much for your support and wish you a lovely day.
snobe casamang said…
Si, muy lindo y profoundo tu comentario, muchas gracias.
snobe casamang said…
Yes always in our hearts, wish you a happy weekend.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks ananka , have a lovely weekend.

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