

 Everybody can benefit from understanding why saying no is important to do in life. Humans are inclined to want to say yes in situations, whether it’s to not let someone down or not let themselves down. It can be extremely hard to say no, but doing so more often provides significant benefits to your overall mental health, such as setting boundaries and other behavioral standards. 

Very few people enjoy confrontation. When we feel as if saying no will put more pressure or tension on us, we tend to say yes to prevent those feelings. Think of a “Yes-Man”  someone who all too often says yes to seemingly please another person. Most of us do this to a lesser extent, because people generally want to help the interests of others. 

For more it's very much a real thing and when we feel as if saying no will prevent us from experiencing something we perceive others will, saying yes feels like the only option. Sometimes people feel naturally compelled to say yes to any situation out of a compulsive nature.

The power of saying no really comes down to the effects it has on our life. When we say no more often, we shift the way our brain thinks and reacts to situations, allowing us more ability to make decisions for ourselves. This has an effect on our mental health, as it allows us to value ourselves more. It also helps us prioritize ourselves and can even lead us to new opportunities that wouldn’t have been achievable by saying yes. 

It also allows us to set boundaries, saying no allows us to develop the necessary skills and tips for setting boundaries ahead of time.

But many times saying “yes” is the better decision. So how do we know exactly when to say no? How do we know if it feels right or wrong?

When we learn to say no, we must ask ourselves certain questions about the situation, will saying yes prevent me from focusing on something that’s more important? Will saying yes make me even more tired or burnt out? 

Ask yourself these questions and rehearse the way you wish to convey your point. Be honest , there is never a need to lie about why you are saying no.

Sometimes providing another way to go about something can help prevent you from saying yes. You don’t need to say no to everything but give yourself time to think through the consequences of committing and then properly give a response. 


It's often difficult to say "NO". I agree with you.
snobe casamang said…
Sometimes to say " No" helps us to keep peace of mind.
ellie said…
So wonderful to read this piece! Yes, I think it is easier to say no these days than a decade or so ago. I mean, when I was growing up, my mother always made me feel I had to say YES in many situations. Of course, there was that NO to boys..although, because of her bellowing stamp it made me want to say YES just to get away. It is a complex issue indeed. But this is an issue everywhere I see these days..and all sorts of scams follow. Thanks so much for your post.
Caitlin'nMegan said…
Such a great topic. I think we have to be there for our self in every turn. And sometimes, we don't have faith in ourselves to say NO. For the most part we grew up with the idea of helping others. But we have to remember to take care of ourselves first. And with family it can be so difficult. Just as much difficulty as telling ourselves not to consume so much, either. Thanks so much.
Learning to say "no" and still be respectful of the other person is a much-needed life skill. Thanks for this!
snobe casamang said…
That's a great comment, I really liked so much dear ellie. Yes you are absolutely right it's easier to say no these days than a decade or so ago because things and people have changed.
snobe casamang said…
Yes we have to say NO to many things, so that we have to take care of ourselves first. And with family it can be so difficult a little bit of course.
snobe casamang said…
Hope that people stop always saying YES to many situations they meet in life. You're welcome my dear.

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