
Your eyes

Your eyes speak

a thousand words 

the blinks of your eyes

are like ponctuations

your fluttering eyelids

are an act of affirmation

your thin eyelashes

confirm your adoration

your pupil is the window 

to your soul in its perfection

your soul so deep 

plumbs the depths of  love

a love that is feminine

and that only you can concur.


J.P. Alexander said…
Los ojos enamoran y cómo dicen son el espejo del alma. Me gusto el poema. Te mando un beso.
Meulen said…
Los ojos dicen mucho de cada persona...buen fin de semana que viene.
ellie said…
Adoring! Oh, I love how you singled out the eyes!
Caitlin'nMegan said…
Wonderful to see your beautiful poetry. All the best to your creativity!
Ivy's Closet said…
Wonderful to see your words! Stay inspired!
Tayane Ribeiro said…
Wow, i love it
SOL da Esteva said…
Os olhos, são as janelas
Por onde olhamos a vida
E sempre vemos, por elas,
A tal paixão, mui querida,
Feita amar... nunca esquecida.

Parabéns pelo teu belíssimo Poema.

SOL da Esteva
snobe casamang said…
Muy lindas palabras, te mando un beso tambien.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks for your nice comment, happy sunday.
snobe casamang said…
Si amiga, te desejo un buen domingo.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks for adoring, wish you a happy sunday.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot for liking my poetry, happy sunday.
snobe casamang said…
I try , thanks a lot my friend for commenting.
snobe casamang said…
Always face romance, wish you a happy sunday.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks my dear for liking, wish you happy sunday.
snobe casamang said…
Yes eyes can see everything in life especially passion , thanks for commenting my friend and happy sunday.
Bill said…
Such beauty in your words, lovely poem.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks my friend for beautiful comment, wish you happy sunday.
Giorgio said…
Lovely words in your poem :-)
snobe casamang said…
Thanks my dear friend for lovely comment, wish you a nice sunday.

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