At the very beginning, the human being was overflowing with enthusiasm; his travel bag is very heavy, filled to bursting with ideals, ambitions and many hopes.
Ready to brave the trials and dangers, he places his foot on the first step, beginning his ascent. And he climbs like this until the age of 20 years old, until the moment of taking his first steps alone in society.
He then begins to identify its rules and realizes that society imposes a very heavy burden on him. He fights hard but he was already feeling tired.
At this stage, who would still want to carry so many dreams on their back? He then decides to temporarily unload them and to first take care of what is necessary, of creating a situation for himself.
“I will take up my dreams again later, I still have time” he says to himself.
He immediately feels much lighter and so continues on his way. He continues to age.
Fatigue builds up, the struggle intensifies, worries multiply. Inevitably, he begins to complain. He feels betrayed by society, he has given too much of himself, the reward is very small. He panics and doubt sets in. But, while grumbling, he continues on his way.
At age 40 years, the age at which one no longer experiences doubts, what once made him overflow with enthusiasm is no more. The man is exhausted, dejected. He now relies on others to continue on his way.
Having reached the age of 60 years old, he tells himself that the evening of life must be very beautiful, that it must be cherished. He then decides to calm down and stop complaining. This stage of life corresponds to the one where man enters the deep meaning of what he hears. Now his heart is listening, reproaches are no longer necessary.
Finally, the man reaches the age of 80 years. Having reached this other end of his existence, suddenly feeling an immense disappointment, he remembers that what he held most dear in life, he left in the travel bag of his twenties.
All the dreams that he never realized, that he never gave free rein, that never accompanied him. All this life, he will have traveled it in vain. But, his 20 years are gone forever, because on the path of life one can not retrace one's steps.
Teresa Isabel Silva
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I wish you lots of inspiration, joy, happiness and health for 2025. Wonderful New Year for you.
Cada día debería ser un aalegría poder vivir la vida ...