


Yes for you,

I would like to be able 

to offer you better,

share in smiles your tenderness,

this tenderness that makes me alive.

Your desires to consume,

your needs to satisfy,

no one dares to offer,

only I care for you.

Let’s take time to appreciate,

in thoughtful ways,

in beautiful days

of our humble reality,

communed reality we chose,

make me free like

I always want to be.

I accept to live in your world,

live together and forever,

I will make your dreams come true,

I will offer them to you

today, tomorrow and always.


Citu said…
Lindo y romántico poema. Me gusto mucho. Te mando un beso.
Thank you, dear friend, for your fantastic poems!
ellie said…
Oh, I always enjoy your sincerity. Lovely poem❤️
Caitlin'nMegan said…
I adore the way you bring such life to your words! Thank you for being here!
Ivy's Closet said…
Wonderful way you have of finding the essence of the moment!
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot judit for your nice comment, wish you happy weekend.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot Irina for your lovely words about my poems.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks my dear martha jane for beautiful comment, I really appreciate.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks ellie for enjoying my poetry, I'm really so happy.
snobe casamang said…
I try to give my sentences much vitality to please to you, thanks a lot for reading.
snobe casamang said…
Thank you, I'm really pleased to read your comment, wish you happy weekend.
Meulen said…
DEl Buen amor se guardan las mejores proezas, dar a otro es un acto de fe.

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