

When the winds blow by

and your coat threads far too thin,

head low against what wears you out,

think once and then count me in.

If troubles mount beyond belief,

leaves you to shed your skin,

in search of comfort in a stranger's care,

breathe twice and then count me in.

Come knocking hard with your hand,

to late your chance to win,

what credit given then,

wait and then count me in.

Should dark marks your days,

in lamplight all looks grim,

turn up your collar, 

turn back your steps,

give me a sign and count me in.


Violetta said…
Nice poem and nice picture.
Have a good time
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot violetta for reading and liking, have a good time also.
Hello, Snobe Casamang! Thank you for your amazing love poems!
Jaime Portela said…
É sempre reconfortante saber que há um amigo que podemos contar com ele.
Excelente poema, os meus aplausos para o seu talento poético.
Tenha uma boa semana.
Um abraço.
Count me in! I enjoyed the poem.
ellie said…
I love the title to this. Perfect to read it. Sweet photo too!
Ivy's Closet said…
Awesome work. So great to read this! You have a wonderful way of expressing your creativity!
Caitlin'nMegan said…
I enjoyed this one so much! Thank you for being here. Thanks for giving me a smile 🍂😊❤️
Giorgio said…
Great post! Have a nice week ahead of you :-)
snobe casamang said…
You're welcome my dear, my pleasure that you liked it.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks dear jaime for your nice comment.. I'm talented,
well I'm trying to improve as time goes by, have a happy week also, hugs.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks martha jane for liking, it makes me so happy.
snobe casamang said…
You also have a great talent in writing bcz you know how to desribe your characters feelings so well.
snobe casamang said…
thanks a lot ellie for liking my whole poem.
snobe casamang said…
Always here for my sweet followers and readers, thank you so much for your support.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot dear friend, have a nice week also.
citu said…
Dulce poema. Me gusto mucho. Te mando un beso.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot my dear for your nice comment, send you kisses.

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