state of mind
It is natural that from time to time we feel exhausted, we lost energy, we feel sad, sometimes depressed, we worry about so many things at the same time and our body resists, then I can only tell you to take it as a natural state that happens to all of us, so calm down and do less things, enjoy more the life, walk it will help you to less feel tired and more be happy.
Then you will feel things transparent and sweet, more than before, as if everything of life is written to relax you and then return to joy again, you will see that a second or third opportunity will always make you discover something new, a new state of mind.
The success begins by the will of a person. If you think that you are destroyed, you are. If you thought that you could not win, you could not do it. All is in your state of mind. You must think positively about you before you can recover. Life's contests don't always go to the strongest, but often just thinking you can win will make you win the prize.
People often would make their arguments stronger if they presented them in prose. People like to express their thoughts in poetry; seems to have thought that it adds depth or meaning, but in reality it hides or obscures it.
If you think you dare not, do not. If you would like to win, but you think you can not, it's almost a child's play that you do not do it.
If you think you will lose, you have lost; for in this world, success begins with the will of a person , it's all in the state of mind.