
language of verses

While I speak the language of verses,

she falls tenderly asleep,

her cheek has found the peace of spring, 

her body poses in a dream of her being.

Her eyes at the hour of the stars

under the cover of her skin,

she is taking up the slope of fables

and I obey to her distant signals.

It's always the snow ball outside,

she joined the night in her adorable arms,

I see her hand moving her mouth 

and I ask to myself

why she remains like the steps of silence?

Does she escapes from her childhood

to this secret country forbidden to my steps,

I am beside her like a willow that trembles,

I 'm desperately afraid of the sleep of her eyes.

Of her heart that I listen to

the Love stops in her dreams, 

and gives me back her conscience 

in this marvelous patience.


I know verses have their own language! Thank you!
ellie said…
Such a sincere piece. We do live in our own world and sometimes they collide. Thanks so much!
Caitlin&Megan said…
Sometimes, romance can find our true nature. So lovely.
snobe casamang said…
Yes poetry has its own langauge, wish you a happy weekend.
snobe casamang said…
Real love is always sincere, thanks a lot for your nice comment.
snobe casamang said…
Yes it can do, wish you a happy weekend filled with romance.
Meulen said…
Se aprende cada día con quien se ama, sabemos que es una voluntad grande
amar y sentirse amado por el otro...aunque a veces se dude de esa certeza,
si hay un despertar junto , es porque el lazo no se ha roto.
Buen fin de semana.
Such lovely imagery. Blessings!
Jaime Portela said…
A poesia existe por todo o lado, basta estar atento...
Magnífico poema, gostei muito.
Boa semana.
Um abraço.
JoAnna said…
Very warm and beautiful poetry comes from your pen. Have a good week!
snobe casamang said…
Certainly we always learn with the one we love and it's true that a great desire
to love and feel loved. I wish you a good start of the week.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot my dear for your lovely words.
snobe casamang said…
Yes you are right jaime, I loved your comment, wish you a happy week, hugs.
snobe casamang said…
From my pen! No, from my heart my dear, I wish you a beautiful week.

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