
prettiest thing

I've seen pretty things in life

I've seen some images 

that have delighted me

and I've had gray days

also nice days

young laughters and empty dreams.

I believed in stories of  love

and believed in promises 

I even heard words 

that tasted like purity.

But it was the most beautiful

the moment I saw you

the prettiest thing in life

it's only you.

There are other pretty things 

quarrels and jealousies

and believe me

when I feel my morale seizing up

all I have to do is

come and kiss you

then everything lights up

it's magic just to you see.


Meulen said…
Cada dia a la vez ,como se dice y de ello se va aprendiendo a convivir juntos.
Lindo fin de semana.
snobe casamang said…
Gracias meulen por tu lindo comentario, yo también te deseo un feliz fin de semana.
It is like magic when someone lights up our lives. Blessings!
citu said…
Me gusto mucho tu poema tan dulce y romántico. Te mando un beso.
Cloudia said…
And it can go on for years and years only improving! Well expressed friend. Well done aloha
Jaime Portela said…
The loved one is always the most beautiful...
Magnificent poem, I liked it immensely.
Have a good week.
snobe casamang said…
Yes that's true my dear, wish you a happy week.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot judit for reading and liking, it really makes me very happy.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot cloudia for your beautiful comment, that's life aloha.
snobe casamang said…
I absolutely agree with you dear jaime, thanks a lot for your nice comment, have a good week too, hugs.
Beautiful poem!
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot kathrine for your beautiful comment, wish you a happy sunday.

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