
body to body

You came out of my dreams

without making a sound

you were unreal

in the real life where we live

you left me nothing

just a flower's perfume

stuck to the morning.

In our body to body

we played the same chords

heart to heart

something like happiness

you took me to other destinations

in the heat of  summer nights.

By chance

I crossed your path

in my solitude

I also know this desire

this beautiful attitude

we understood each other

without saying a word.

Love was written on our skins

but that moment of love 

that you gave me

lives in my soul until eternity

that moment of pleasure 

that I stole from you

time will no longer be able 

to catch up with it.


J.P. Alexander said…
Sensual y romántico poema. Me gusto mucho. Te mando un beso.
Extremely sensual images. Wow!
ellie said…
Now I'm giving you a WOW! Oh, some impressive..I like that part writing the language on our skin..Such a wonderful and sensual moment to keep❄️❤️❄️😊
Caitlin'nMegan said…
Such an amazing piece! I LOVE IT❤️
Ivy's Closet said…
Very vibrant poetry! You really have a graceful way of making this dance the night away!
Solo Yo said…
A good poem, although I suppose it loses a lot in translation.
Ananka said…
Very romantic :-D
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot judit for liking my poetry, I really appreciate, send you kisses.
snobe casamang said…
I'm really so happy that you like it dear martha jane.
snobe casamang said…
WOW thanks ellie for your beautiful comment and for always supporting me, I'm really grateful.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot for reading and loving it my dear, I really appreciate.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot for your sweet comment, you know romantic poetry it's better to read it in the night .
snobe casamang said…
Maybe, because sometimes I write my poems in my mother language. Thanks a lot my dear for liking.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot ana for your nice comment, hope you liked it.

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