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There were two brothers, the big one and the small. They lived with the king and lounged in a corner of his court. The king had many huts and many fields, many coconut mats and containers, many strings of beautiful shells, but he was not happy. The great and the little worked, but had nothing, and probably did not know how to save it. At the king's house, food circulated a lot, but did not always reach them so much, so that the Great, who was always hungry, was unhappy. The king's meals were prepared by many villages in turn. When a village cooked for the king, the aroma of cooking would spread throughout the land, then with songs the people carried the food to the king. The perfume and the songs hit the noses and ears of the two brothers. “Go and meet them” said the big one to his brother. Take the food from their hands, and let your legs carry it before the king. The king will have many good things to eat and much fragrance, and his stomach will be very full, so he will give



Where there is the love, 
there is sweet harmony,
there is deep devoted caring.
Where there is the love, 
there is radiant life,
there is vibrant sun shining.

Where there is the love, 
there is radiant light,
there is incandescent glowing.
Where there is the love, 
there is happiness
and there is much laughing...


May each of us know that kind of love.
snobe casamang said…
Hope so dear Martha jane.
snobe casamang said…
Thanks a lot Christine.
J.P. Alexander said…
Bello poema. TYo creo que el amor esta en nosotros. Te mando un beso.
snobe casamang said…
Muchas gracias Judit, creo el mismo tambien, besos.